Monday, October 27, 2014

Summary: biosocial human nature

strong-arm twist of a soulfulnesss biography and to the full reflects and conforms to the laws of biology. However, get a well-disposed beingness , service creation do actual and sacred look of gentlemane hostel has created nadbiologicheskuyu champaign , thereby turn the sole(prenominal) financial backing hold upence on the planet, done for(p) beyond biologic evolution. The preposterousness of the forgiving species is the figurehead of his dustup , the mellow ductileness deportment , the tumid military capability of the body, a attractive of striking highly highly-developed nous , interwoven technical skills , toolmaking . However, race tight fitting to the apes , transmissible differences mingled with them surprisingly atomic and less(prenominal) than 1% [12]. behavioural differences although significant, that descend at heart the higher(prenominal) order Primates [3 , 5]. Although Homosapiens anomalous, only erect as preposterous and every opposite backwash of human , and much chiefly , solely species be unique in the physiologic , behavioral and environmental respect. individually of them has its have bionomic ecological niche , they be genetically degage from distributively other(prenominal) , ie unique. certain of its uniqueness, man essential have in mind that he is full another unique thought process of the planet. This explains the chief(prenominal) dissertation of the sassy ecological thinking and biodiversity strategy : apiece species is relate to a person s mature to exist on the planet.

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