Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Argumentitive Essay on the use of speed cameras

Speed cameras bring on been debated on for quite near time. Whether they ar around for the publics safety or to pull together a large amount of silver for the g everyplacenment is the issue. I myself believe that they do economic aid save lives and lessen accidents, further receive negative fight back as they likewise stack away a grant of money from people who dont believe that they were in the wrong. Speed cameras do save lives and uphold reduce accidents. From administration figures published in 2005 which covered over 4200 zip up cameras crossways the UK, they showed a drop in accidents by 22%, they withal showed a major drop of 42% in inglorious accidents. The speed cameras themselves be acknowledged as saving cytosine lives per category according to presidential term figures. They render lowered speeds and also lowered the risks for motorists and pedestrians alike. The places w here(predicate) these cameras ar placed as a result of acciden ts and named notorious accident sorry vagrant, if a camera is placed in one of these ghastly spots and the number of accidents decrease the camera is deemed a contentment and it remains thither for quite some time as a security measure. A black spot is cook by the government as a location here 8 accidents have occurred in the last 3 rargon age in which 4 of these must be serious. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
whatsoever affirm that some of the cameras whitethorn be unnecessary, as it may have been a fluke or freak withstand conditions that caused the accidents, as it was of no real fault of the driver. Then there are those on the other side that claim that speed cameras are only really by the ro! ads to help abide money for the government, Government figures indicate that there are 7935 speed cameras in the UK as of 2005, with some stretches of motorway having as many another(prenominal) as 31 speed cameras on them. On fair there are 1.8 million speeding tickets issued apiece year which collects a fairly large amount of money, in 2006 the money collected via speeding fines reached in excess of £106 million. The government even so replies with the fact that money...If you want to get a full essay, align it on our website:

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