Friday, September 27, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 26

Assignment Example The 96 hours of exposure indicates the maximum time of exposure that may result into viable results. Acute toxicity may not apply to natural environments hence limiting the results of studies involving them. The disadvantages with these also involves the reliance on cause and affect aspects in research and lastly the effect of the specific nature of the study that limit they results. The usefulness of acute toxicity is in the analytical nature of the experiments and the results provided (Acute and Chronic Toxicity Testing, n.d). The maximum levels of concentrations set by the regulators are normally lower to reduce the effects that the chemicals may have on the experimenters. Through these, the margins of exposure determinations become possible since the NOEL levels provide the basis for other measurements to provide relevant information and the concentrations become easier to interpret (Reference dose RFD, 2012). In other words, NOEL sets the reference dose for usage in all experiments that acts as base. Natural endocrines provide a hormonal support to the body systems. Endocrines play a role in building connections with glands tasked to carry hormones around the body and place them into the blood stream for purposes of hormonal responses and support. Glands and hormones have the role of regulating growth, development and maturity aspects among other body regulations. There exist natural endocrines and artificial endocrines. The natural endocrines exist naturally in the body and build up because of natural processes while the artificial endocrines are introduced into the body to play the same role as natural endocrines. Among the many glands that produce, hormones in the body include pituitary glands, thyroid glands, thymus, pancreases, and ovaries among others. There exist many endocrine systems in animals serving a

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