Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Disaster Resilient Engineering Innovations Essay

Disaster Resilient Engineering Innovations - Essay Example For a holistic approach to mitigating the impact of the catastrophe, a multi-stakeholders collaboration is necessary. For engineering plans to be successful, knowledge, researchers, and information from other disciplines such as geologists, sociologists, public administrators, information technology, the government and several others must be involved. With the experiences of the countries on the different types of calamities, the government and the concerned private groups that includes engineering organizations, continually devise plans and designs to make communities resilient and sustainable amidst the threat of natural disasters. This paper will present the innovations and initiatives implemented in the field of engineering to mitigate the impact of natural disasters, particularly earthquakes, flood, and tsunami. Earthquakes, flood, tsunamis, and other natural disasters have occurred in more frequency around the globe have caused billions of dollars lost and an unaccounted number of deaths. These natural calamities have challenged the stability of buildings, bridges and other infrastructures. Thus, engineers and planners have continually engaged in innovative engineering approaches in order to mitigate the impact of these natural forces. Floods, earthquake, and tsunamis, as well as landslides, cyclones, etc. have posted a major challenge to governments, much more than they have become a regular occurrence. 1 A great challenge to the government is to protect the lives of people and animals, as well as properties. 2 In order to attain these goals, engineering plans must be designed capable of bearing the force that these natural disasters bring forth. Also important is building of rehabilitation and medical institutions that could bear the load since victims will be treated in these facilities when a disaster strikes. 3 Rehabilitation and medical facilities must be constructed farther from fault zones and coastal.

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