Saturday, February 1, 2014

Brief The Westlynn Case

West Lynn Creamery , Inc . v . HealyCitation : West Lynn Creamery , Inc . v . Healy , 512 U .S . 186 , 193 , 114 S .Ct . 2205 , 129 L .Ed . 2d 157 (1994Facts : momma instituted a pricing that taxed but raw draw sold by dealers to momma retailers . The gross from the tax was used as a support for Massachusetts dairy farmers . Ironically , the majority of the draw sold in Massachusetts was produced out of the distinguish , but the gift was distributed to except Massachusetts milk producers . Two Massachusetts licensed milk dealers who purchased milk outside of the pronounce but sold it deep down press out refused to pay the tax When Massachusetts attempted to compel the , the dealers sought an injunction against the enforcement of the on the ground that the violated the dividing line Clause of the United States Co nstitutionIssue : The issue presented to the United States Supreme crunch was whether the Massachusetts pricing unconstitutionally discriminated against interstate commerce since the subsidy was only disbursed to Massachusetts dairy farmers despite the majority of the state s milk coming from outside the stateHolding : The U .S . Supreme grind held that the Massachusetts pricing was unconstitutional because it discriminated against interstate commerceMajority Decision (Opinion compose by Justice Stevens : Justice Steven reasoned that the violated the civilise Clause of the Constitution because Massachusetts was trying to use true state taxing powers to subsidize state dairy farmers by imposing what was in effect a tariff on out-of-state competition . The...If you want to get a full essay, state it on our website:

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