Sunday, February 9, 2014

What makes hospitals non for profit. Identify a specific hospital and provide an explanation.

Citizens aesculapian relate is a non for profit, short term brusk care facility controlled by the county government and is therefore considered undertaking acquit under section 501(c)(3) of the immanent tax income Service. Citizens is principally offerd their funding through state government, non fractionisan/non policy-making donations, and plebeian long-suffering taxation. Due to their non for profit status Citizens is required to oblige cardinal main requirements set forth by the Internal Revenue Service. First they are required to be organized and knead exclusively in compliance with their exempt purposes, (The Internal, 2007). Citizens medical Center complies with this condition in that they are solely mean to provide medical and educational services for the community, regardless recompense ability, of Victoria, TX and the surround counties. Secondly, they are required to use all tax tax tax for the purpose of the company and ensure none of the pro fit is provided to tete-a-tete shareholders or individuals, (The Internal, 2007). Citizens fulfills this requirement in that they are considered ?community exact? where their resources stay in the immediate area with the excess tax revenue being reinvested in the infirmary, its technology, and the employees. Lastly, they ?may not be an march organization.? In other words, the organization ?may not suffer to influence legislation as a substantial percent of its activities or participate in any campaign activities,? (The Internal, 2007). Citizens has no affiliation with any political campaigns and has not received coin in hand from any partisan or political donations. Since these requirements are abided by, Citizens Medical Center is considered a tax exempt non profit organization. If Citizens is a non for profit then where do they bind funds to operate? According to the American Hospital Directory, in 2007 Citizens Memorial hospital receives 98.3 percent of their in come from gross patient revenue totaling 400! ,084,761 dollars. The remaining 1.7 percent, or... If you requirement to get a full essay, localise it on our website:

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