Monday, February 3, 2014

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows Summary

The story starts off with a meeting between passe-partout Voldemort, the some evil wizard in the history of wizards, and his most(prenominal) trusted advisors. They are talking or so how the lodge of the Phoenix, a group of people devoted to stop Voldemort, plans to complement liquidate Potter, The Chosen One, to a safe location. On the iniquity in the first place Harrys birthday, he was having a talk with is aunty and uncle about how when he turned 17 any egis that he had at that house would vanish. Every dark prick would search and bear witness to find them and so they had to leave. The equal night 13 members from the Order of the Phoenix showed up to escort Harry to safety. Taking a special potion 6 members were corresponding a shot transformed to look standardised Harry. The some other 7 were assigned to protect one of them. That night they left hand by broomstick to safety, but not without a few losses. Mad-Eye Moody, one the best wizards in the world, h ad fallen. During the time spend at the safe house they celebrated Harrys birthday along with the conglutination of 2 members of the Order. Before the wedding the Minister of head halting appeared with Dumbledores last will and testament. Dumbledore left Ron his Diluminator, Hermione, a copy of The Tales of Beedle the beautify and Harry a snitch and the Sword of Godric Griffindor. During their wedding natural spring a petronus, kind of like a messenger, announced that Voldemorts chase were on their way. Moments later they attacked and all the guests began to disapperate, teleport, along with Harry, Ron and Hermione. They diaspperated to the muggle, non-magic, world and were direct attacked by Voldemorts followers. They decided the safest place to go would to be at Harrys deceased godfathers, Sirius, house. There they learned from the house elf Kreacher about Siriuss brother who had stolen one of Voldemorts Horcruxes. Harry and his friends were on a foreign mission to destroy Voldemorts Horcruxes. Voldemort had! split his soul into 7 pieces, and placing them into unique possessions. A diary and...If you want to get a full essay, extract it on our website:

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